Welcome to my new blog!

Welcome to my blog. This is the space I will use to talk about everything and anything, not just the books I am working on, exciting as they are!

A little about me

To say that the last five years have changed my life feels a little… cliché. But it’s true. I went from having no direction in my life and feeling like I was ‘just a mum’ to a confident person with a goal. Starting at university in 2015, I had no A-Levels. I got in on a foundation course, something that is becoming more popular for universities to run. I made friends, others who for whatever reasons, didn’t have quite what they needed to start on their chosen course.

While studying, I found the strength to address my health issues. CBT counselling for my depression helped me much more than I ever thought it could. At the same time, good grades were keeping me positive. They weren’t the best grades I could have achieved, but I had learned enough to know that each grade was a stepping stone. Each piece of feedback I received for work that wasn’t my best helped me to improve for the next assignment.

I graduated university in 2019 with a grade of 2:1. I enrolled to do the MA, which I graduated in 2020 with a Merit.

Photo by Ekrulila from Pexels

My goals

Now, I have goals in my life. My first book Earth is currently doing the rounds of editing and proofing. It is the first in a series called Magic Rediscovered which I expect to run to five books. I am about to start work on the second in the series. You can discover more about Earth here.

I also have a dark fantasy story on the go. I worked on this in part for my assignments in my MA. It has taken a bit of a back seat to the series above, but it is something I am constantly thinking about.

Some fun things about me.

Q: What is the main subject of your blog?

A: Things that interest me will make up a large part of it. Updates on my writing as well as anything else writing based.

Q: Do you have any hobbies?

A: Reading and writing come top of the list. I have been teaching myself to crochet with reasonable success. I like watching films and playing games with my family.

Q: What is the one thing you struggle with the most?

A: Patience. I want everything doing right now! But that only really applies to writing related things. Meeting strangers is another one. I tend to be really awkward the first time I meet someone.

Q: What is your favourite film and why?

A: It changes a lot. It would probably change every week if I watched films that frequently. At the moment though, my favourite films include The Christmas Chronicles because I thought it was a heartwarming take on a Santa movie. There are a lot of films that I really enjoy. Picking favourites feels unfair.

Q: Do you have a favourite animal?

A: Do dragons count?

Q: Do you play The Sims?

A: No. It’s never really appealed to me. I have recently found myself wandering into the Minecraft world. I also like to play Pokemon Go, and my son has reminded me that Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch exists, which is an awesome game.

Q: What are your pet peeves?

A: Lying. I can forgive a lot, but don’t lie to me. Spitting. Are you trying to spread diseases? Mask wearers. It goes over your nose too.

Q: If you could have endless supplies of food, what would you get?

A: Oh, this is a difficult one. I love rice pudding. I love chocolate. Can I choose between them? Nope.

Q: What is the ideal dream job for you?

A: It’s the thing I’m working towards right now. I would like to be a successful author.

Q: What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

A: Fish Jerky. Sweet Potato KitKat.

Q: If you had to describe yourself using three words, which words would you use?

A: Determined. Creative. Caring.

One more thing…

Something that I have failed to mention all the way through this blog is anime. I love anime. The first I ever watched was Laputa: Castle in the Sky. I didn’t even know what anime was back then. Around 7 years old at the time, I loved that film so much, I knew it word for word. Made by Studio Ghibli who have made many other wonderful films. The nice thing about my house is that there are six of us, and we are all at different stages of our anime journey. We all love it. It’s a great reason for us to sit down together.

I’m going to leave it here. If you want to help support me, please check out my Patreon page.

Please note that my blog will not always be focused on my writing. I have many interests which I hope to share with you. Posts on Japan and holiday destinations, self care, mental and physical illness, the UK, the behaviour of cats will be coming and much more. I am also interested to know what you would like to see

Thanks for reading, and please do let me know what you would like to see me post about here.